Kostienki Venus N°3 ivoire, Gravettien 20000 av JC, Vallée du Don, Russie
Venus of Vestonice, terracotta, 26000 BC, Czech Republic
Venus of Lespugue, mammoth ivory, 23 000 BC, Lespugue, France
Anatolian Neolithic Mother-Goddess, 5000 BC, Hacilar, Turkey
Neolithic fertility idol, Mokhrablour, Armenia
Fertility Idol Amlash, bronze, 2500 BC, Northern Iran
Fertility idol, terracotta painted with pigments, 5000 BC, Tell Halaf, Syria.
Neolithic fertility amulet, stone, Almargen, Andalucia, Spain
Pre-Nuraghian Mother Goddess, stone, 4500 BC, Cagliari, Sardinia
Pregnant Cycladic idol, stone 2500 BC, Greece
Le plan des dix mondes dans le corps, estampe japonaise, ère Meiji
Estampe grossesse au Japon Meiji
Naissance sur la Roue de la Vie, Monastère tibétain de Jakar, Bouthan
Roue de la Vie (Bhava Chakra) bouddhiste tibétaine
Naissance dans famille noble au Rajasthan Moghol
Vénus Jomon, idole de fécondité Dogu, Nagano, 3000 av JC
Sepik hook showing a pregnant woman, Papua New Guinea
Figurine de fécondité Maori, bois
Tlezateotl, Aztec Goddess of fertility, giving birth to the God of Corn, Dumbarton Oaks, USA
Naissance à trois, Premières Nations Indiennes. Musée de Vancouver
Totem Fertilité Premières Nations, Vancouver
Séréna, Terre cuite peinte, Nicaragua
Femme en douleur de travail, Pétionville, Haiti
Eunide Agenouillée, pierre à savon, Haiti
Poupée Karaja Amazonie, Brésil
Two Fali fertility dolls, wood, beads, cowries and various objects, Northern Cameroon
Fertility figurine, wood, RD Congo
Lwena fertility figurine with foetus inside, RD Congo
Makonde belly mask, wood and beads, early 20th century, Tanzania
Pende belly mask, 19th century, RD Congo
Giving birth while standing up, Bazomba, wood, 19th century, Angola
Breech delivery in Mossi country, bronze, Burkina Faso
Akan fertility doll, Ghana
Ashanti fertilityoll, wood,and beads, Ghana
Turkana fertility doll, wood, beads and ochre, Kenya
Mossi fertility dolls, Burkina Faso,
Birth scene with 3 characters, wood, Kisangani, DR Congo
Birth of Buddha, out of Queen Maya's right flank, stone bas-relief, 2nd century, Gandhara, Pakistan
"My mother and me", by Marc Chagall
Allison Lapper pregnant, ehibited in Trafalgar Square, London 2005
Forty weeks, by Angèle Etoundi Essamba, 1988
Louise Bourgeois and her mother, the Cry
Hanging pregnant woman, by Louise Bourgeois
Edenic pregnancy, painted belly, California, USA
"Microcosm", clay, by Rabiaa, Montpellier 2013
Gwendolyn, by Niki de Saint Phalle, Basel. Switzerland
Midge, Barbie's cousin, pregnant with removable foetus inside, Mattel
The Virgin Mother by Damien Hirst 2008
Serena, mozaic by Adeline B, Montreal, Canada
"The Observatory", pregnancy costume, by Sidonie Bergot, 2010
Electric Taweret, by Niki de Saint Phalle, 1950's