Fecundity in art

Fruit of an active research during more than thirty years, my collection of female-fertility-related objects (statuettes, fetishes, amulets, engravings, paintings, photos) is published for the first time on this website but also in the book "Fecundity" available to order on-line.

The Author

Who am I? Medical doctor and international maternal health expert, I have taken advantage of my whole professional life overseas to collect female-fertility-related objects and to research on the themes of conception, pregnancy and childbirth in Art, through the ages, and across the cultures of the world. Co-founder of "Holistic Sante", I bring technical assistance to health institutions in the fields of maternal and newborn health and reproductive health

The Collection

A unique and fascinating art collection of female-fertility-related objects found across the cultures of the world, from prehistory to the modern time. The objects are ethnographic, ritual, religious, or purely artistic in nature. They are often used as intermediaries to call the spirits or the gods for a successful maternity, or they just celebrate the beauty of maternity. Samples are presented in galleries in this website and the best ones are detailed in the book "Fecundity".

The Book

Published in 2018, 242 pages, size 22x28 cm, the book is essentially iconographic, with images prepared by an artist photographer and short texts to introduce the chapters and relate some stories about the objects. Dedicated to all midwives of the world, it is composed of four parts: "Hoping", with images of objects used to facilitate conception; "Expecting", with images of pregnancy; "Giving Birth", with images of childbirth; and "Contemplating contemporary art", with images of modern artwork exhibited in museums, art galleries, or private collections. The book is available to order on-line in this website.

Order the book


 The proposed cost of 29€ is promotional price, only for on-line orders.

The book “Fecundity” is the culmination of thirty years of research and acquisitions to constitute my collection “Fecundity in Art”. The book, size 22 × 28 cm, contains 242 pages of captioned images, photographs and reproductions, accompanied by short texts in French and English to explain the approach, …

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If you have questions about the ordering or the delivery of the book, or if you wish to express comments or contribute to the contents of the book, please use the attached contact form. Please indicate your name, country of residence, professional institution (if any), email address, and subject of your message.

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